Veterans Day Parade 2017

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.” —Elmer Davis


A single day simply isn't enough to honor our veterans and active military who are the backbone of the liberties and freedom we enjoy.  When you think of the courage these men and women possess in service to something bigger than themselves, it is inspiring.  It's also very humbling. 

I spent the morning at the Veterans Day Parade that marches through downtown Reno, Nevada from the Virginia street bridge north past most of the casinos.   I arrived a bit earlier and immediately took note of the number of people already claiming their spot on the curb.  I moved up the parade route, albeit in reverse, capturing some pictures along the way.   I made it to the staging area and found my son's high school Navy JROTC unit already in formation.  I did my best not to embarrass him by snapping too many shots.

I hope I captured at least some of the excitement of the day amongst the crowd and participants as well as show the utmost respect I have for those who have served.

Paul Mudgett