Custer State Park - Wildlife

Custer State Park in South Dakota covers 71,000 acres with hiking trails and great views but I spent my time cruising along the Wildlife Loop Road. While the park is home to pronghorn, white-tailed and mule deer, elk, and bighorn sheep, my encounters were limited to bison (and their calves) and prairie dogs. Definitely not disappointed as I really wanted some cool bison shots which I think I got.

At one point I spied a herd of bison at the top of a hill and thinking they were moving toward me I decided to pull over and wait. Patience paid off as this herd came down right next to me (and the other cars that joined). They were kings of the road and one was scratching itself on a truck (the picture is through the windshield so not all that great but you’ll get the point). This was certainly a highlight of my time in South Dakota. Here are some shots. Enjoy!

Paul Mudgett