Grand Tetons - Landscape

The views at Grand Tetons National Park are simply phenomenal. There were a couple shots I knew I wanted to capture on this trip. The reflection at Schwabachers Landing and one of the barns at on Mormon Row. The mornings were pretty chilly this time of year, in the 20’s, but all worth it. I had to deal with some stormy weather and clouds that obscured the mountains that made sunsets a bit difficult but still managed to grab a few shots. I even tried my first stitch panoramic.

You may notice the Snake River Overlook. This is where Ansel Adams took his famous photo and though the trees have grown up to block the view of the bend in the river it is still an amazing location. For the reflection at Schwabachers Landing I scouted it the afternoon before and was glad I did. There were already dozens of people set up at the “normal” spot but further down the path where I had looked there was just myself and one other. In talking with the photographer there he said this was his preferred spot anyway as the water was calmer and provided a better reflection. Score!

Here are a few scenic shots from the trip. Click on a photo to open a lightbox for scrolling.

Paul Mudgett