Old Lahaina Lu'au


A visit to Maui cannot be complete without taking in a lu'au and perhaps the best is the Old Lahaina Lu'au.  Set on the ocean with a perfect sunset to set the stage for the rest of the evening, the Old Lahaina Lu'au fills the evening with traditional Hawaiian food, cultural dances and chants that highlight the history of the islands and people, and of course, an open bar.  

For those with good knees, the traditional pillows and mats await you.  For those who prefer traditional tables, a seat at a table for eight is right up your alley.  A traditional greeting with a beautiful lei and mai tai is a great way to start the evening.  Live hawaiian music fills the air while you tour the grounds.   Games, lessons, art, culture... all set along the ocean fill the time until the "Imu" (Kalua Pig) is unearthed just before dinner.

The dinner is served buffet style and has everything you can possibly imagine.  Pork, poi, steak, ahi tuna, and for the more adventurous, octopus.   Big Island sweet potatos (a purple mash), local style fried rice, crab salad, and of course rolls and banana bread.   It's all you can eat but one plate was all I could muster.   Dessert was a variety tray brought to the table by the very attentive server who made sure drinks were filled all night.  

The entertainment was simply inspiring and my few photos here do not do it justice.  These dancers are amazing as well as the traditional chants.  The performance is based around the history of the islands and its rich culture.   You won't find twirling fire here.  That's not traditionally Hawaiian and if you want authentic, you won't see that (though I'm sure it's amazing at other Lu'au events).  

If you visit Maui and are staying on the west shore, you can't beat the Old Lahaina Lu'au.  Spectacular views, talented performers, good food, and service second to none.   Mahalo!

Click on an image for a larger view.

Paul Mudgett